Friday, July 23, 2010

Sweet disposition.

I know you'd rather hear it from me than a key board and a screen.

You really are a good teacher.
You teach me to love someone,
to trust and believe in us,
to be myself because it's the mask that creates the flaws,
to understand and listen,
to be a big girl and be the bigger person,
to take punches instead of throwing them on someone else,
and when the shit hits the fan to clean it up and buy a new fan.

I love you. For being here. No matter what.

You once told me, you could have a full course dinner,
but you'd rather lay it all down and risk your hand for a favorite treat.

You deserve better, and I'll be better.
I deserve better, and I'll be better.

When you showed me who I was, I didn't want to become someone else.
I wanted to be myself for once.

You warm my heart, and you know that's where all my imperfections are.
You're slipping through the cracks in my concrete, loosening and opening key holes covered in cobwebs.

It was a lonely place to live until you made my heart a home.

Thankyou. For everything.

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